
Anxiety Freedom

Are you Sick & Tired of Anxiety ruining Your life?

Take a Major Leap to Transforming Your Anxiety & Gaining a New Lease on Life in Just 2 Months!

Easy to follow; easy to implement — You do the work, You get the results.

Value Price: $299

The Free Your Mind from Anxiety program is a simple yet powerful online program to guide and teach you the very best tools and techniques to transform your anxiety and stress into mental strength and resilience.

This program is designed to help you reclaim the person you once were before all the stress and anxiety.

Free Your Mind contains wisdom from the greatest minds and therapies available that — when applied — will have you on a path to a much calmer, healthier, and happier life — guaranteed.

By taking a hybrid approach focussing on the connection between mind and body, you will gain a level of mastery of your emotions that will last a lifetime - while preventing further hardship down the road!

To figure this stuff out on your own would cost thousands of dollars and — more worryingly — years of your life.

This easy-to-follow program ensures you can look forward to many benefits, not limited to:

✓ A deeper understanding of yourself and your psychology so you can act decisively when things don’t feel right

✓ More positive emotions as you begin to learn to regulate your nervous system

✓ A healthier relationship with anxiety as you reach new heights of acceptance that will greatly reduce the severity of your anxiety

✓ A massive reduction in stress as you move towards that which matters

✓ Greater control of your emotions

✓ Healthier routines and habits that work for you (not against you).

✓ Improved relationships in all aspects of your life

✓ A relaxation of the body and easing of tension

✓ Greater confidence and peace of mind

✓ Greater mental clarity as the fog of your anxiety and stress begins to lift

✓ Greater control over your nervous system

✓ No longer walking around in a constant state of worry

✓ Improved sleep and rest

✓ Genuine laughter and happiness

✓ Improved focus and greater energy levels for all that is important to you

And so much more.

What You Get When You Sign Up

A Step by Step, Online Learning Portal


Past Students Speak Out!


What You Will Be Learning

Following a structured format, each video module includes coursework and resources to equip you with the necessary tools to manage your anxiety and stress while providing you with a much greater understanding to address it at the core and transform it into mental strength and resilience once and for all.

Part One: Taming the Beast and Establishing the Source

Kicking it off

This sets the stage to ensure you focus your energy on that which matters most. Here, you will evaluate your biggest obstacles and commit to focussing on just one area for maximum benefit and relief that will ripple across all areas of your life.

By focussing on one area first, you’re far more likely to have the success you desire. All other areas will become easier down the road.

Defining & Aligning Your Values

So many of us don't know our values and, as a result, feel lost and indecisive, which can give rise to feelings of stress, anxiety, worry, confusion, melancholy, etc.

Once you know your values, you know what's important to you and use them as guiding principles. You’ll know when to listen to your anxiety and when not to listen.

Module One: Breathwork

Dive deep into the power of the breath to learn how yours might be contributing to your anxiety, etc. You will also receive a breathwork program incorporating pranayama and meditation to help better regulate your nervous system for a massive reduction of stress and worry.

Module Two: Controlling emotions

We have much greater control over our emotions than we might think. Here you will learn simple and powerful tools to better control yours moving forward.

Module Three: Getting to the root of it

Your personal guide to ensure you establish the root cause of your stress and anxiety, so you can address it effectively and create a catalyst to move forward into a less anxious, more resilient future.

Module Four: Setting yourself free

The best tools and tips for forgiveness and letting go of the past to move into a brighter, more free future.

Part Two: Strategies and Tools to Gain Momentum and Propel You Forward

Module Five: Desensitizing from fear

Learn a powerful concept to help overcome your biggest fears so you work within your window of tolerance to ensure you are no longer plagued by that dreaded fight or flight response, thus making your goals far easier to accomplish.

Module Six: Incorporating healthy rituals

Here you will learn and test several healthy rituals to incorporate into your daily routine for optimum performance and minimum stress. We are all different. The testing phase will later link up to create better lifestyle habits that run on autopilot.

Module Seven: Self-compassion

Self-compassion is one of the most significant predictors of mental well-being. In this module, you will learn the art of being warm and compassionate toward yourself when you need it most.

Hint: This is something you are not used to. And it is hurting you.

Module Eight: Freedom through decisions

Understand the psychology behind the decision-making process to simplify the complexity of "perceived" big decisions so you are no longer walking around carrying unnecessary stress that compounds and negatively impacts your health over time.

Module Nine: A foreign concept known as “fun”

Fun is one of the first things we forget and the last things we remember with anxiety. This module is all about learning to integrate fun back into your life.

Module Ten: Self-Talk

The words we use have a significant impact on our reality. Here you will learn which words you might be using that negatively impact your reality to change them for more positive, affirming self-talk and a better reality.

Module 11: The science of habit

Everything we do is based on habit. In this module, we dive into the science behind it and how to easily incorporate healthier lasting habits into your life.

Module 12: Wrapping it up

Repetition is fundamental to your success. So while this is the last module, from the program's core, you will still be receiving the missions to test your new skills.


Lifetime Access so you can revisit any of the modules you need to further cement your learnings

✓ An extensive Bonus Video Library that continues to grow and evolve, covering a range of topics, all of which will help accelerate your journey.

✓ The Anxiety Support Summit contains 25 — video and audio — interviews with experts in all aspects of health relating to stress and anxiety. 

Why The Free Your Mind Method?

As anxiety affects the entire human organism, it is critical to take a hybrid approach to treatment. That means engaging both the mind and body.

The Free Your Mind from Anxiety program was carefully curated to provide you with the very best wisdom that, when applied, will help you completely transform your world.

This is not about a cure. It's also not woo-woo. It is realistic and practical, which makes it effective. It is about developing resilience and mental strength that will continue to reward you for years to come.

Value Price: $299

Is Free Your Mind the Program for You? Just Ask Yourself…

What if anxiety was no longer a massive burden in your life?

What if just one thing you learn helps shift your mindset and alleviate your anxiety?

What if this program helps you see anxiety in a way you’ve never seen before?

What if this guy on the Internet actually knows what he's talking about?

You owe it to yourself to find out…

Please note: I am not a medical professional, nor do I claim to be. This program is not a substitute for medical intervention, nor is it suitable for complex psychological trauma or PTSD. I have curated this program from many different disciplines, which include Eastern philosophies and Western therapies. It contains only that which has had the most positive impact on my life and those I have helped transform their anxiety.