20 of the Best Self-Help Books for Mental Health and Wellbeing (Part One)

When it comes to self-help for mental health, much of it is about as useful as YouPorn asking a teenage boy if he's over 18. Translated: It's worse than useless. 

That said, when devising this list, I tried to take into account the author's character — and whether I believe them to be full of shit or not — as much as I did the quality of their book. And, nice guy that I am, free passes were given to those already dead. 

Furthermore, one of the biggest problems I find with mental health — especially anxiety — is that we give the symptom far more weight and power than it deserves. Not only hindering recovery but often making the situation significantly worse.

We don’t place nearly enough emphasis on the actual problem and the many solutions it presents. 

Problems vary greatly, ranging from unhealthy relationships, abuse, bullying, narcissistic prick bosses, and everything in between. And so to do the solutions. By challenging your current thinking and worldly views as well as tweaking behaviours and habits, you can radically improve your quality of life. That's coming from someone who despises the word radical. 

Despair can turn to hope; anger can turn to love, anxiety to peace, depression to cheerfulness, so on and so forth. But you have to do the work. And, of course, accept that life will still suck from time to time.

To honour this topic's complexity, I have strived to compel a varied list with something for everyone. A daunting task resulting in a two-part article with this being — you guessed it — part one.

If I've recommended a book, it's for no other reason that I found it to be excellent and extremely worthy of a read. And that's pretty much the criteria.

Should you decide to pick one up, I hope it will both move, inspire, and thrust you into action for lasting change to ensure better days lay ahead. 

And with that said, I'll shut the fuck up. 

Here are 20 of the Best Self-Help Books for Mental Health and Wellbeing (Part One)

Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself

by Kristen Neff Ph.D.

Kristen Neff is to self-compassion as to what Brene Brown is to shame and vulnerability: A Godsend.  

I would go so far as to call this a bible book for your mental health.

Studies show self-compassion is a significant predictor of long term mental wellbeing. And it probably comes as no surprise to learn most struggling excel at being a dick towards themselves, making this book an absolute must to help foster what could eventually be a life-saving skill. 

File it under: Your Mental Health Bible. 

Buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/34ji54J

Note: All links are affiliate links. If you click and buy, I’ll earn a tiny percentage that would otherwise go to Bezos. And that fucker doesn’t need it. If you buy the new iMac pro, I believe I get a percentage of that also. So go nuts! Or better yet, support your local bookstore when possible.

Stillness is the Key

by Ryan Holiday. 

All of Holliday's books are great. This one just happens to be my favourite.

Easily digestible and packed with ancient wisdom, the stoic master seamlessly encapsulates a significant problem — our inability to be still — that makes us ineffective while offering many remedies drawing from Stoic and Buddhist philosophies.

File it under: Ancient Philosophical Wisdom.

Buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2FJbvL6

Owning it: Your Bullsh*t-Free Guide to Living with Anxiety

by Caroline Foran

The first of four Irish authors to make this prestigious list. Who knew I was so patriotic?

As with all story-based books found here, you get genuine raw authenticity without the bullshit and a very welcome splash of humour — all of which Foran provides in spades as she outlines her battle with acute anxiety.

This book is a perfect mesh of storytelling and an extremely well put together practical guide to help you both understand and manage your anxiety.

File it under: Your No Bullshit Anxiety Companion.

Buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2T92wG2

Predatory Thinking: A Masterclass in Out-Thinking the Competition

by Dave Trott

Dave Trott is a hard-nosed heavyweight genius in the advertising industry.

So what the hell is he doing in this lineup, you ask?

Simple: The best advertisers know how to solve problems and find solutions through creative thinking.

And your mental health and wellbeing is likely crying out for better solutions.

Unless, of course, you want to be told for the zillionth time to take a breath or step out in nature?

Assuming the answer to that question is “screw you, Nicky,” then you might just benefit from a masterclass in creative thinking.

Which is exactly what this book is: A masterclass.

In this instance, you are your own competition.

And this book is packed with life lessons you can benefit from today.

File it under: Creative Thinking.

Buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/37nlilr

Everything is Fucked: A Book about Hope

by Mark Manson

In a year where everything is fucked, and hope is all but lost, how could this not feature?

Manson is extraordinarily gifted at taking complicated or boring topics and making them fun, digestible, easy to understand, and entertaining.

Not one to fuck around, you won't find a sprinkle of fairy dust here.

Drawing on a pool of psychological research and philosophy, you’ll be taken on a wild journey in search of hope that will help you understand why, when everything is technically better than it has been in our history, it all seems, well, fucked.

If you want to face the truth head-on while understanding your mind better to build resilience and greater self-acceptance, this book is an absolute must.

File it under: Retro Philosophy and Psychology.*

Buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3mhesT1

*I’m seriously struggling to come up with good themes for the filing cabinet.

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

by Brené Brown Ph.D.

It seems everything Brown touches turns to gold. And this book is no different.

Time and again, our shame or reluctance to vulnerability wreaks havoc on our mental health. 

In Daring Greatly, she packs years of research on both shame and vulnerability — what it is, what it isn't — to help inspire the reader to find the courage to be vulnerable for a happier, lighter and freer existence. 

File it under: Inspirational Feel-good Research..

Buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3o6lETv

The Anxiety Epidemic: The Causes of our Modern-Day Anxieties

by Graham Davy

Having had the pleasure of interviewing him twice, I'm a big fan of Davey, who is the Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Sussex.

Much of his research extends across mental health problems, specifically anxiety and worry.

What I love about this book is that it doesn't tiptoe around the topic.

It's hard-hitting research at times and incredibly informative and educational as to what anxiety is, its many disorders, and their symptoms, etc.

If you are looking to understand anxiety better, this book is for you.

File it under: Easy-Reading Academic Research

Buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2TcVH6q

How to Win Friends and Influence People

by Dale Carnegie

If we are honest, most of us want to be liked more, to connect more, to succeed more, to do and be better in all aspects of life. 

Unfortunately, when life is kicking the shit out of us, we inevitably become preoccupied with ourselves and forget how important it is to form connections with others. 

We also become lonely which has severe consequences in itself.

This timeless classic is here to help in all facets of life. 

File it under: Psychological Life Skills 

Buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2TcpXhK

Bonus Time: A True Story of Surviving the Worst and Discovering the Magic of Every Moment.

by Brian Pennie

What can I say? This is an absolute belter of a book.

Unable to escape the pain of anxiety and desperate for relief, Brian turned to heroin, which saw him fall into a 15-year addiction that nearly — and probably should have — took his life.

Until one fateful day, he managed to break free from it all.

Bonus Time is his extraordinary account of a life consumed by addiction — a life he managed to break free from to the point he is now a Ph.D. candidate studying the neuroscience of mindfulness.

File it under: Inspirational Storytelling

Buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3o9FlKc

Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom

by Rick Hanson Ph.D.

buddhas brain by Dr Rick Hanson.jpg

Brian Pennie credits this book in Bonus Time for playing an intricate role in his recovery. And for a good reason.

Rick Hanson does a spectacular job presenting cutting-edge neuropsychology and ancient Buddhist wisdom with steps you can take to help rewire your brain for greater levels of happiness and resilience.

All of which will make you bulletproof like the Buddha himself.

File it under: Easy-reading Brain Science

Buy it on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ojt4mC

And that’s all he wrote. At least until next week, when I’ll publish part two. What books will be featured? Some belters, I can assure you.

Over and out.