The Law of Compound Interest

Bad habits over time wreak havoc on our health. Fortunately, the opposite is true for good habits.

Life has a funny way of catching up with us. Often, everything appears rosy, and suddenly — as if out of nowhere — everything is upended. Subtle queues we don't quite catch see us running destructive patterns and habits that can take years to catch up with us.

But when they do, we find ourselves dealing with a complete shit show of emotions. Enter panic, anxiety, depression, and if you're one of the unlucky ones, the entire crew might show up for you at the same time, causing the most extravagant of shit shows nobody in their right mind would ever want a front-row seat to. 

Although it can feel out of the blue, rarely does it occur out of the blue. It occurs because bad habits, patterns, neglect, suppression, and avoidance have been compounding beneath the surface for years.

Like a dormant volcano bubbling beneath the surface, you only realize the severity of the crap you're dealing with once it explodes.

So what is the antidote?

Understand that years of crap won't simply and magically come undone, the same way it didn't just magically occur. The antidote works on the same principle: by embracing the law of compound interest. 

You only have to replace positive behaviours with negative ones. You also have to be patient enough to let the good stack up, so you start reaping the rewards. 

A lack of patience trips people up every time because instant cures are sold everywhere, forcing you to give up too soon and fall back into your old ways.  

The paradox of it all is that when you accept it, the rewards come far quicker. And life gets way better. Denial, on the other hand, will almost certainly guarantee the compounding effect you get is a negative one, causing an even more extravagant shit storm in the years to come. 

Yes, it often requires some deep, uncomfortable work, which is best to do with assistance, but a lot of the work is simple and can be done on your own. 

So, if you decide to adopt a new healthy habit today, don't give up tomorrow, assuming it won't work out. Stick with it. It will likely be one of the greatest decisions you ever make. 

One that will soon start paying you dividends for years to come.